UMEDA Laboratory's official English appellation is "Intelligent Sensing System Laboratory". This laboratory was launched in 1994. The main research theme is in realizing "Intelligent Sensing" systems for the robotics. The laboratory conducts a wide range of research on topics including, but not limited to, sensing systems for robotics, novel sensors for 3D measurement, Human-Machine Interfaces using gesture recognition, Image Processing, and more recently, deep neural network-based sensing.
Research system
In UMEDA Lab., each student works on their own research theme. The outlines of research themes of undergraduate students are determined by discussing with the students themselves, under guidance from Professor Kazunori Umeda, Assistant Professor Sarthak Pathak, and senior graduate students. Graduate students usually determine their research themes theselves.
In engineering, collaborative research is important. For this reason, the laboratory is divided into several graduate student-centered groups in which the students support each other to learn and enjoy research.
5 presentations in DIA2021, 3 presentations in the International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics 2020 (REM2020). Publications list updated.
1 award in DIA2021. Awards list updated.
1 publication and 1 short paper in IEEE/SICE SII 2021. Publications list updated.
1 publication in the Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering. Publications list updated.
4 presentations in the 38th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan,1 presentation in ViEW2020, and 1 presentation in ICPE2020. Publications list updated.