

  • 日時:11月6日(金)5限目 16:20 – 17:50
  • 場所:2号館2階 製図室 2221号室(参加費無料,参加申込不要,直接会場へお越し下さい
  • 講師:Trygve Thomessen 先生(PPM AS, Norway/Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
  • 題目:This is all an robot expert needs to know
  • 概要
    Industrial robotics is growing more and more in the industry. Traditionally, big companies have used robots, utilizing their strong teams of expertise. However, the trend is now towards smaller companies, requiring robot systems that are easy to use and easy to reconfigure.

    Traditionally, people have been developing their expertise within single disciplines like mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, production engineering etc. However, the field of industrial robotics require not even to understand each of these fields, however, having the capability to develop and evaluate solutions within all these field in parallel.

    This requires an additional skill of multidisciplinary understanding.

    The presentation, “This is all an robot expert needs to know”, will cover these challenges and how to organize the an efficient development team. The presentation, will be based upon industrial examples covering the technological challenges that have been faced during the development.

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Last-modified: Wed, 04 Nov 2015 09:33:12 JST (3188d)