/[[Top Page>FrontPage_en]]/Future Convenience Store Contest &size(24){FUTURE CONVENIENCE STORE CHALLENGE}; &br; &size(22){- Service Robotics Category -}; &br; &size(40){'''HARChuo'''}; &br; #contents &br; *Link to team intro video [#c2bfe2cf] https://youtu.be/tZsU_4qjiyg https://youtu.be/u_ewRJWbCrw &br;&br; *Development achievements (Team) [#ee56f1a1] We have realized autonomous mobile robot navigation systems including map building, moving objects tracking systems using onboard sensors or distributed sensors in an environment. Also, observing human position and human motion recognition have been achieved. Then, we have applied these technologies to provide assistive services for human users. As the latest achievement, we have realized a handshake interaction with a pepper. A pepper is able to actively initiate a person into conversation and handshake. &br;&br; *Overview of robot(program) developed [#f99bde29] - We will demonstrate an ambient assisted system integrated with a robot. - The system is consisted of multiple sensors to obtain the movement of customers in the store. - To promote purchase intention, sensors installed in front of the item shelf will be used. - We use the spatial memory system which we have already developed. - The spatial memory is like virtual 3D switches in an environment. - It enables not only human users but also robots to access digital data based on the location where the spatial memory is installed. - We set spatial memories on shop shelf according to the arrangement of items, then detect items based on the access actions to the spatial memories. - The access actions can be recorded as customers behaviors in the store. - From the sensor data, it is determined to which product the customer has picked up. - Information related to the selected product will be displayed on the tablet on the item shelf. - An agent robot will lead the customer to a place of related item. - Our ambient system will store customer movement information on the environmental map based on data obtained from sensors installed the store. - If a child on the playground goes out alone, our ambient system let the parents know. - In addition, if a customer is detected in front of the cashier, the staff at another location can be informed. - Therefore, our system can help staff work efficiently.