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** Mihoko NIITSUMA [#eda0e795]
#ref(Catania2009.jpg,right,around,Mihoko NIITSUMA);
-Assistant Professor &br;
Faculty of Science and Engineering,&br; Department of Precision Mechanics&br;
Chuo University

-Adjunctive Researcher, Hashimoto lab.&br;
Institute of Industrial Science,&br;
The University of Tokyo.

*** Contact me via [#r1dd672c]

Human & System Laboratory&br;
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Precision Mechanics&br;
Chuo University&br;

-Building:2, Room:2538, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8551, Japan&br;
-tel: +81-3-3817-1844, fax: +81-3-3817-1820&br;
-email: niitsuma_(a)_mech.chuo-u.ac.jp&br;
-url: http://www.mech.chuo-u.ac.jp/~hslab/&br;


*** Education [#p379b732]
- Graduated Fukushima Iwaki girls' High School, Japan, 1997.
- B.E in Mechatronics from Tokyo University of Technology, 2001.
- M.E in Electronic System Engineering from Tokyo University of Technology, 2003.
- Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from The University of Tokyo, 2007. 

*** Job, Teaching  [#c2f5be29]
- 2001.4-2003.3 Teaching assistant (Programming: C, Assembla) at Department of Mechatronis, Tokyo University of Technology.
- 2004.4-2005.3 Visiting Researcher, The Keio Research Institute at SFC.
- 2003.4-2007.1  Lecture (Computer literacy, Programming: Java) at School of Media Science, Tokyo University of Technology. 
- 2001.4-2006.3 Teaching assistant (Supervisor of master and bachelor students) at Tokyo University of Technology. 
- 2004.10-2007.3 Research assistant, Department of EE, The University of Tokyo.
- 2005.4-2007.9 Research assistant, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
- 2007.4- JSPS Research fellow 
- 2007.10-2009.3 Postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
-- 2007.10-2008.1 Visiting researcher at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
- 2009.4- Assistant Professor at Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Precision Mechanics, Chuo University

*** Research history [#k73a01b6]
-Ultraprecise Positioning Control of the Finger Tip Drive Type of Linear Stage (2000.3-2000.8)
-Modeling of human walking behavior and crowd behavior (2000.10-2003.3)
-Human-friendly remote monitoring system based on teleoperation of AIBO (2004.4-2005.3)
-RoboCup (Four-legged robot league) (2003.4-2005.3)
-Intelligent Space as an aid system for human activity (2003.4-ongoing)
-- Spatil Memory as human interface in iSpace (2004.3-ongoing)
-- Observation of human activities in iSpace (2007.4-ongoing)
- [[Publications>MN_PublicationList]]
*** Others [#l948f5cc]


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