[[Members Only/papers]]

* 学部生第1回 [#kd5da07c]
-論文:Szilveszter Kovacs, David Vincze, Marta Gacsi, Adam Miklosi, Peter Korondi, "Interpolation based Fuzzy Automaton for Human-Robot Interaction", SYROCO'09 (2009)

* 学部生第2回 [#kd5da07c]
-論文:Implementation of Mobile Robot Control in Intelligent Space, Drazen Brscic,Takeshi Sasaki,Hideki Hashimoto,SICE-ICASE International joint Conference 2006,1228-1233,2006

* 院生第1回 [#kd5da07c]
-M1論文:A’. Miklósi · R. Polgárdi · J. Topál · V. Csányi, "Intentional behaviour in dog-human communication:
an experimental analysis of “showing” behaviour in the dog", Anim Cogn (2000) 3 :159–166, 2000
* 院生第2回 [#kd5da07c]
-M1論文:G. Q. Huang; A. B. Rad & Y. K. Wong, "A New Solution to Map Dynamic Indoor
Environments", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2006)
ISSN 1729-8806, pp. 199-210
;&ref(A New Solution to map dynamic inddor environments.pdf);

-M2論文:RedundantRobot Manipulator Control with Obstacle Avoidance using Extended Jacobian Method
Control & Automation (MED), 18th Mediterranean Conference on 23-25 June 2010.

* 院生第3回 [#kd5da07c]
-論文:Hui Tang and David J. Beebe, "Oral Tactile Interface for Blind Navigation", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, VOL. 14, NO. 1, MARCH 2006, pp.116-123.

* 院生第4回 [#kd5da07c]
-M2論文(小林):M. Grundmann, F. Meier, and I. Essa (2008) “3D Shape Context and Distance Transform for Action Recognition”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition  (ICPR) 2008, Tampa, FL.
&br;&ref(3D Shape Context and Distance Transform for Action Recognition.pdf);
-M1論文(白石):芝田 祐也、倉本 至、渋谷 雄、辻野 嘉宏GUIの特徴がユーザに与える印象の調査 電気情報通信学会 2005 pp.153-158
&br;&ref(110003272673 (2).pdf);
-M1論文(塩崎):大内 誠、岩谷 幸雄,鈴木 陽一,“視覚障害者のための3次元聴覚情報の提示”,バイオメカニズム学会誌 31(2), 95-100, 2007-05-01.

* 院生第5回 [#kd5da07c]
-M2論文(別府):Peter Martin and M. R. Emami (2010),“Neuro-fuzzy Compliance Control for Rehabilitation Robotics”,International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics 2010
&br;&ref(Neuro-fuzzy Compliance Control for Rehabilitation Robotics.pdf);
-M1論文(市川):Gabriela Barrera • Alba Mustaca • Mariana Bentosela, "Communication between domestic dogs and humans: effects
of shelter housing upon the gaze to the human", Anim Cogn(2011);
&br;&ref(Communication between domestic dogs and humans.pdf);

* 院生第6回 [#kd5da07c]
-M2論文(和田):Yu Liu, Bin Liang, Kui Sun,Yanshu Jiang,“Research on obstacle avoidance of redundant robots based on geometric models”, Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, 2008. 
&br;&ref(Research on obstacle avoidance of redundant robots based on geometric models.pdf);
-M1論文(廣井):戸田 雄一郎(首都大),久保田 直行(首都大)"Multi-resolution map を用いた未知環境の探査",Proceedings of the 2011 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics,2011.
&br;&ref(Multi-resolution map を用いた未知環境の探査.pdf);

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